Pickyto Food Court App

Pickyto Food Court App

What is Pickyto?

Pickyto is a food delivery and pick-up app designed for food courts in IT parks, shopping malls, airports, theme parks, and more. Pickyto simplifies food ordering by allowing users to skip the long queues in food courts and order their meals effortlessly.

What is Pickyto?

Pickyto is a food delivery and pick-up app designed for food courts in IT parks, shopping malls, airports, theme parks, and more. Pickyto simplifies food ordering by allowing users to skip the long queues in food courts and order their meals effortlessly.

My Role

Product Design Lead — Research & Ideation, Scope planning, User Interface & Experience, Interaction Design

My Role

Product Design Lead — Research & Ideation, Scope planning, User Interface & Experience, Interaction Design


Kiran Kumar (Designer)

Lakshmi (Product Manager)

Keerthana, Arjith, Ganesh (Developers)

Timeline & Status

May 2019 - Feb 2020

Launched in 2019

May 2019 - Feb 2020

Launched in 2019

Milestones 🎉

Pickyto was selected as one of the "Top 9 startups" from 1000+ startups that participated in Dubai Smart City Accelerator program.

Milestones 🎉

Pickyto was selected as one of the "Top 9 startups" from 1000+ startups that participated in Dubai Smart City Accelerator program.

Pickyto consistently maintained above 4.2 ⭐ ratings in both the Play Store and App Store.

Project Goals

  • To provide a seamless experience for people ordering in busy food courts.

  • To digitize the entire ordering journey, allowing users to spend more time enjoying their food rather than waiting or spending time ordering it.

Design Process

The idea of this app already started before I joined the company, so we already knew what we were going to make. But didn't know how to do it. I started with research which had user interviews, client interviews, surveys, and desk research.

Design Process

The idea of this app already started before I joined the company, so we already knew what we were going to make. But didn't know how to do it. I started with research which had user interviews, client interviews, surveys, and desk research.

After getting insights from the research we began to design the app. Once the interface and prototype were ready, I took it for testing with my team to get their feedback and their perspectives on the design. We had a short duration to complete the app because we had a client waiting for this amazing product. We completed the entire design and an MVP version of the actual product within 60 days.


Our target audiences were two types of people, the restaurant / Foodcourt owners and people who eat in food courts. At first, our main focus was to capture the IT park's food courts. We already had a foodcourt ready to launch our product for the first time, so I went there directly and spoke to all the restaurant owners and IT employees working in the IT park to understand their needs and problems.


Our target audiences were two types of people, the restaurant / Foodcourt owners and people who eat in food courts. At first, our main focus was to capture the IT park's food courts. We already had a foodcourt ready to launch our product for the first time, so I went there directly and spoke to all the restaurant owners and IT employees working in the IT park to understand their needs and problems.

User Interview

I interviewed 10 people in total, including 5 restaurant owners and 5 regular users of the food court. Each interview lasted approximately 25-30 minutes, covering topics related to the users' pain points and expectations. For those who were not interested in participating in an interview, we offered a quick survey to gather their insights. A few of the asked questions were :

User Interview

I interviewed 10 people in total, including 5 restaurant owners and 5 regular users of the food court. Each interview lasted approximately 25-30 minutes, covering topics related to the users' pain points and expectations. For those who were not interested in participating in an interview, we offered a quick survey to gather their insights. A few of the asked questions were :

To Restaurant owners
  • How much money and customers do you lose during peak times?

  • How much time does it take to make an order and deliver it to the customer?

  • Do you get confused with orders and deliver the wrong order to the customers?

  • Do you run any offers to promote your restaurant?

  • What are the problems you generally face throughout the day as a shop owner?

To Customers
  • Do you skip the restaurant if you see a long queue?

  • How long will you wait before you leave the queue? 

  • What do you do if you order multiple items from multiple restaurants?

  • Are you happy with the food prices or do you like to get more discounts and offers from the restaurants? 

  • Do you prefer to come down to the food court every day, or would you like to get the food delivered to your desk?

and a few more relevant questions based on their replies.

Customer Insights

After talking with restaurant owners and customers, and a short survey we took, we had a clear idea of all the pain points they faced. Despite the amount of generated data from the interviews, this was the most relevant information for decision-making in creating the solution:

Desk Research

In addition to the above user research process, I researched the current market situation to see what other competitors' were present and what they did.

  • According to the National Restaurant Association, 61% of consumers say that they would order delivery from a table service restaurant if the service was offered.

  • QSR Web found that digital restaurant ordering is growing 300 percent faster than dine-in traffic.

Direct Competitors

  1. Hunger box

Indirect Competitors

  1. Pos like petpooja, Gofrugal, Limetray, etc.,

  2. Food delivery app’s like Zomato, Swiggy, etc.,

Problem Statement

For Restaurant Owners:
  • Losing many customers due to high crowd in peak hours.

  • Losing 20 - 25k in revenue per week when customers skip the restaurant because of long queues.

  • Delivering wrong orders to customers In peak hours.

  • Since it's a faced paced environment no opportunity to upsell more items.

  • Losing a set of customer base who doesn't come to food courts.

For Customers:
  • Waiting for a long time in the queue to buy food.

  • Very hard to order items from multiple restaurants. Since a person has to go to each restaurant to make an order.

  • Very hard to track the order. Because they have to go and check with the restaurant to know if the food is ready or not.

  • There are no offers or discounts most of the time in the food court.

  • Waste 15 - 20 mins daily just to make an order.

Proposed Solution

For Restaurant Owners:
  • No more delivering wrong orders as a digital copy will be present with the user name and OTP.

  • Can Prioritize and process the orders faster, avoiding all the confusion.

  • Ability to Promote their restaurant's best sellers and run offers more evidently now.

  • Getting a wide range of new customers since the delivery option is available now.

  • Ability to sell more items by upselling them on the cart page.

  • Having less crowd in front of the restaurant because of fast ordering service.

For Customers:
  • Skip the long waiting queues.

  • Can order food from the office and by the time when they reach the food court, food will be ready already.

  • Order from multiple restaurants in a single order.

  • Don't have to keep a check on the restaurant to know if the order got ready or not. They can just go and pick up the food after getting a notification in the app.

  • Can try out new dishes, go for the best sellers and offers listed out.

  • Since all the dishes are listed in the digital menu with the photos and descriptions. They can see and know what they are ordering.

  • Can save time by getting the food delivered to their office desk directly.

How is Pickyto different?

Multi-store ordering in one go retains the actual food-court ordering experience.

  • Hyper-local Delivery inside the tech park. Enabling the employees to order ahead and get food delivered to their office.

  • Scan the QR code in the restaurant to order food or pick up the order.

These were some of the features no other company had done at that time.!

Information Architecture & User Flows

We thought about the best and easiest way for users to onboard themselves > find restaurants > and place orders. We designed it making sure it feels straightforward and logical while also being ready for future growth.

User flow to place an order

Other Flows

Sketchs / Wireframes

We wanted the app to be simple, and the user should be able to get what they need within a few steps. I started with rough sketches to get a basic idea of the app design.

We wanted the app to be simple, and the user should be able to get what they need within a few steps. I started with rough sketches to get a basic idea of the app design.


Final Designs

On-Boarding Screens

We designed a set of onboarding screens to guide users through self-onboarding to the app, helping them understand its features.

On-Boarding Screens

We designed a set of onboarding screens to guide users through self-onboarding to the app, helping them understand its features.

Splash & Login Screen

We provided users with multiple hassle-free login options and even the choice to skip it if they wish to explore the app and its features before placing an order.

Splash & Login Screen

We provided users with multiple hassle-free login options and even the choice to skip it if they wish to explore the app and its features before placing an order.

Home Page

The home page lists the nearby food courts available to users based on their current location. And the restaurants available in that food court.

Home Page

The home page lists the nearby food courts available to users based on their current location. And the restaurants available in that food court.

Restaurant Page

We introduced a non-veg-only toggle for non-veg food lovers. This idea came to us one day when we were trying to order food for us at the office. We implemented it in the app and were surprised to see more than 70% of our users started to use this toggle. An idea that sparked us on a random day made a huge impact on our app.

Restaurant Page

We introduced a non-veg-only toggle for non-veg food lovers. This idea came to us one day when we were trying to order food for us at the office. We implemented it in the app and were surprised to see more than 70% of our users started to use this toggle. An idea that sparked us on a random day made a huge impact on our app.

Product Detail Page

We developed the app with the main intention of allowing users to view appetizing images of the food they wish to order, providing comprehensive details. The aim was to enhance the user experience by presenting high-quality images, concise descriptions, and reviews, facilitating informed decision-making before placing an order.

Product Detail Page

We developed the app with the main intention of allowing users to view appetizing images of the food they wish to order, providing comprehensive details. The aim was to enhance the user experience by presenting high-quality images, concise descriptions, and reviews, facilitating informed decision-making before placing an order.

Cart Page

The primary feature of the app is to enable users to place multi-store orders seamlessly while retaining the actual food-court ordering experience. On the cart page, users can view items from multiple restaurants they have added, preserving a unified ordering experience.

Cart Page

The primary feature of the app is to enable users to place multi-store orders seamlessly while retaining the actual food-court ordering experience. On the cart page, users can view items from multiple restaurants they have added, preserving a unified ordering experience.

My Orders Page

We designed a user-friendly order-tracking page, offering a seamless experience for users to monitor their orders. Depending on the order type (Pick-up or delivery), the page dynamically adjusts its details. Users can view both current and past order details, providing an option to leave reviews and easily reorder items from their previous purchases.

My Orders Page

We designed a user-friendly order-tracking page, offering a seamless experience for users to monitor their orders. Depending on the order type (Pick-up or delivery), the page dynamically adjusts its details. Users can view both current and past order details, providing an option to leave reviews and easily reorder items from their previous purchases.

Profile Page

Profile Page

Food Ratings & Review

We implemented a comprehensive reviews and ratings system for our food services app to enhance the overall user experience. This system allows users to provide detailed feedback for each item they order, enabling continuous improvement. Moreover, it empowers restaurant owners on our platform to receive valuable insights, ensuring better service for our users. All of these reviews will be visible to the restaurant owners in their Partner app.

Food Ratings & Review

We implemented a comprehensive reviews and ratings system for our food services app to enhance the overall user experience. This system allows users to provide detailed feedback for each item they order, enabling continuous improvement. Moreover, it empowers restaurant owners on our platform to receive valuable insights, ensuring better service for our users. All of these reviews will be visible to the restaurant owners in their Partner app.

Delivery Rating

We integrated a dedicated reviews and rating system for our delivery executives to continually improve the overall delivery experience for our users. This system enables us to gather valuable feedback, ensuring accountability and enhancing the quality of our delivery services.

Delivery Rating

We integrated a dedicated reviews and rating system for our delivery executives to continually improve the overall delivery experience for our users. This system enables us to gather valuable feedback, ensuring accountability and enhancing the quality of our delivery services.

Other Screens

Other Screens

Visual Language


We intentionally chose the brand color green to evoke a 'Fresh/Refreshing feeling.' We aimed to create an experience where users feel energized every time they interact with our app, providing a refreshing break from their daily work routine.


We intentionally chose the brand color green to evoke a 'Fresh/Refreshing feeling.' We aimed to create an experience where users feel energized every time they interact with our app, providing a refreshing break from their daily work routine.


I've opted for Montserrat, my all-time favorite font, widely embraced by designers globally. It's my go-to choice for its versatility, making it easy for both myself and developers to maintain consistency across various projects. The availability of multiple styles in Montserrat adds to its utility, allowing for creative flexibility in design.


I've opted for Montserrat, my all-time favorite font, widely embraced by designers globally. It's my go-to choice for its versatility, making it easy for both myself and developers to maintain consistency across various projects. The availability of multiple styles in Montserrat adds to its utility, allowing for creative flexibility in design.


I created most of the basic icons myself in XD, and a few were used from feather icons by Cole Bemis and a few from Flaticons. All the icons are composed on a 24 x 24px grid with a 2px Stroke width for visual consistency.


I created most of the basic icons myself in XD, and a few were used from feather icons by Cole Bemis and a few from Flaticons. All the icons are composed on a 24 x 24px grid with a 2px Stroke width for visual consistency.

For the food type icons, I needed something different and colorful, which had to look good and should go well with the design. I got these beautifully designed Lineal-colored icons by Yuliia Shchetinina.

For the food type icons, I needed something different and colorful, which had to look good and should go well with the design. I got these beautifully designed Lineal-colored icons by Yuliia Shchetinina.

Other Components

Other Components

Partner Apps

We had a Partner app and Delivery app for our restaurant managers and delivery executives.

Partner App for restaurants allows them to add & edit products, manage orders, see reports, and much more.

Delivery App allowed the delivery executives to accept orders, contact customers, and track their progress throughout the day. 

a small glimpse of those app designs : 


Pickyto was a great product with a mission to save time for people working in huge IT Parks. It's packed with powerful features like Multi Restaurant order, Hyperlocal delivery, Self-pickup, etc. 


We completed the product design and an MVP product within 60 days. Pickyto was launched successfully at Ascendas Tech Park in Chennai by onboarding all the restaurants in it. It was a good start for us as many people loved the app's concept and started using it.

I visited the Food court monthly once to get direct feedback from the users and restaurant owners. I spent 2 mins with each user to ask them for any improvements or issues in the app. We kept iterating and improving the app by considering usability tests, A/B tests, and other in-depth surveys with the user to improve the initial version.


  1. 1000+ App downloads within 2 weeks of launch.

  2. Launched in 5 more IT parks within a month.

  3. Processed 5000+ orders in the first month of launch.

  4. Pickyto was selected as one of the top 9 startups in the Dubai Smart City Accelerator.

  5. Consistently maintained above 4.3⭐rating in both the App & Play Store.

Say Hello!

If you've scrolled this far, I believe we'll make a great team. I'm always open to exciting opportunities, collaborations, or just a friendly chat. Let's create something great together!

Say Hello!

If you've scrolled this far, I believe we'll make a great team. I'm always open to exciting opportunities, collaborations, or just a friendly chat. Let's create something great together!

Open to Work

Currently living in GDL, Mexico.

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10:18 PM


and I've logged off. My laptop and I are taking some rest now.

100% Design

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in Framer

Open to Work

Currently living in GDL, Mexico.

Time is

10:18 PM


and I've logged off. My laptop and I are taking some rest now.

100% Design

Made with

in Framer